QMPlay2 - The Qt Media Player

http://downloads6688.blogspot.com/2017/04/qmplay2-qt-media-player.htmlQMPlay2 - The Qt Media Player do you know?

QMPlay2 supports most formats and codecs supported by FFmpeg
QMPlay2 can use youtube-dl - useful for playing various network streams just from the web page address
QMPlay2 has integrated libmodplug extended to play J2B (Jazz Jackrabbit 2) and SFX (Amiga) modules
QMPlay2 can play various network streams (http, https, rtsp, rtmp, mms, ...)
QMPlay2 has integrated YouTube and Prostopleer browser
QMPlay2 can play Chiptunes via libgme and libsidplayfp
QMPlay2 can play AudioCD, read CD-TEXT and CDDB
QMPlay2 can play Rayman2 (*.apm) music

  1. seek to 0 position when repeat entry is enabled,
  2. fix drawing smooth cover images (regression),
  3. updated Russian translation (victorr2007),
  4. high dpi scaling enabled only for macOS,
  5. use SVG icons (new QtSvg dependency),
  6. fixed "QMPlay2.appdata.xml" file,
  7. handle multimedia keys on macOS,
  8. minor network seeking fixes,
  9. bugfix,

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